Ciudad Guatemala

Pastora cristiana deja su vida religiosa para ser stripper y dar consejos de autoestima

Luego de haber participado en una iglesia cristiana en Minnesota, una pastora decidió hacer un cambio radical en su vida y hasta abrió una cuenta en Only Fans.

  30 septiembre, 2020 - 13:26 PM

Una pastora de una iglesia cristiana en Minnesota, Estados Unidos, se ha vuelto tendencia por un cambio rotundo en su forma de vida.

Se trata de Nnikole Mitchell, quien luego de haber asistido a un evento de la comunidad LGTB se dio cuenta que se sentía atraída por personas de su mismo género.

Mitchell decidió hacer un cambio con su vida, pues sentía que sus actividades ya no tenían relación con lo que sentía, así que abrió una cuenta en la plataforma Only Fans para publicar fotos y videos para adultos.

A sus 36 años, la exreligiosa ha confesado que siempre había querido ser stripper, pero sus padres le habían hecho creer que sus pensamientos y deseos eran pecaminosos.

La mujer relató que en el 2016 recibió la invitación para ser pastora de una iglesia que aceptaba la igualdad de género, donde uno de los líderes le invitó a ser pastora.

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We tend to regret things of omission rather than commission. . Meaning, we tend to regret things we DIDN'T do more than the things we did do. . So instead of talking yourself out something, how about talking yourself INTO something? . That tug you're feeling? That nudge deep within? . LISTEN to it. HONOR it. And FOLLOW it with ACTION. . I have too many moments in my life where I talked myself out of something, and I reached a point where I said, NO MORE. . I've got this one life, and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it and make the most of it! . I do that by ALWAYS honoring and listening to that tug within, even if it's telling me to do something scary/big/crazy/uncomfortable/new. . You're worth saying yes to! . If you're feeling the tug within you to join Quantum Leap this Quarantine, I want to tell you it's safe to trust the tug. . When we honor the tug, the tug honors us – and it does that by giving us the next steps we need to take to get where we're meant to be! . This is a container designed to take your life to the next level from the inside out. . It gives you your power back. It gives you a new perspective. It elevates your frequency. It unlocks your power and potential. And it gives you the practical steps to take to take your life and business to the next level! . It will powerfully serve you.😎 . Hit the link in my bio to join us! We start Tuesday! . SO, so excited to support you in this! . 📸: @legendone

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Sin embargo, luego de un tiempo decidió abandonar la iglesia pues reconoció que por sus preferencias no sería bien vista.

“Lloré porque nunca me había sentido tan santa y sagrada en mi vida”, dijo Mitchell a un medio local.

El hecho de dejar la iglesia le permitió dedicarse a las actividades que siempre había querido y ahora brinda charlas a personas para mejorar su autoestima y obtener logros personales.

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Listen. . I know what it's like to feel called to do something. . Something that feels expansive, exciting, and a tad bit scary. . You know you're meant for greatness… You know stepping out of the boat is your calling… but if people found out what you're doing… . they'll think you're crazy. Selfish.. Too big for your britches. . As someone who has stepped out of the boat, has left behind what was familiar, for the new and the brave… . getting out of the boat was the best decision I have ever made. . A scary one? Yes. . BUT SO, SO WORTH IT. . To chart new territory… To brave new horizons… To see what lies beyond what you can see… . I'm telling you… . it is BEAUTIFUL out here. . the oxygen so pure… the view astonishing… the joy unlimited… . I can't imagine not being here! . So take that next step. Make that bold move. Do what your heart is calling you to do. . And I promise you. It is so, so worth it. Plus, there's a whole bunch of us waiting for you out here.♥️ . Want support as you take that step of faith? I've got you. . My 1:1 coaching is designed to carry you through to the other side where all your dreams come true. . DM me for details or hit the life coaching link in my bio! . Love you and here for you! . (Just finished my 5th shoot of the week with one more to go! What a magical week🥰).

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